19 September 2009


As everyone knows... Paris is famous for its pastries. And I am taking full advantage, much to my health's chagrin.

This is a famous, modern Patisserie on the Left-Bank called Pierre Herme. Quite expensive for so small a treat, but worth each centime for those macaroons. Cece and I savored them outside in the Saint-Sulpice square.

P.S. I forgot to include my tarte peche pistache from Boulangerie Julien. Oh so yummy!!


Melinda said...

Laura, you are such a gifted photographer. I love seeing the details you catch, and you make it all look so beautiful! your photos are magazine-ready.
St-Sulpice--ahhhh. It's so fun when you mention a place that brings back vivid memories for me. One time I was walking by the boutiques near there, and there were two little schoolgirls in front of me, about 8 yrs old. One had her arm around the other's shoulders, and as they walked past one boutique window, she put her hand to her chest and said,"Ah! Que c'est ravissant!" LOVED it. You are so darn lucky! Glad you're having fun. xo

m spot said...







Elizabeth Clayton Smith said...

Yum yum yum

Can you gimme a piece of dat?

Sean said...

Good photographs... you have a real good eye!